OK, so January is officially over. And if you are anything like me, you felt a lovely breeze as all those New Year’s resolutions flew right out your window. Yikes! Do you know what that means? Simply that it’s time to get serious and regroup.
Although there is something magical about putting your best foot forward at the beginning of a fresh new year, it’s easy to get side tracked. But don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself that this wasn’t meant to be your year. Don’t start believing that maybe you don’t have what it takes.
Because that’s just plain wrong.
Maybe we haven’t accomplished everything we set out to do in life in the last 30 days. Big deal.
We are extraordinary beings with immeasurable potential. Maybe we’re not exactly where we want to be, but understand this: over-the-top, amazing people don’t just happen, they evolve… one small step at a time. Here’s how I’m approaching it.
- Relax. Just drop the guilt and relax. The best part is it’s not a race! There is still plenty of time this year to put our dreams into action, because we can start over any day we choose. I choose today. And if in a couple days I need to choose again, that’s gonna be okay too.
- Rethink those resolutions. There may be a reason they didn’t work or fit into your life the first time. Think about them from a different perspective and see if you can change the whole angle of the plan.
- Reorganize. In the process, you just may come up with an even better plan filled with more magic, sparkle, and shine than you ever dreamed before.
What are you going to focus on first?
What ignites the fire in your soul?
So, what am I going for in 2019? One of the things I’m going to continue to focus on are rollovers from last year, but I am going to look at them with a fresh, new perspective. I had some serious health issues the last two years when I was diagnosed with advanced stage Lyme Disease. In addition to doing everything the doctors prescribed, I went on a dietary health kick as well. (You know, like Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”) I still have no idea where I conjured up the will power and self-control, but I did and it changed the whole way I perceive food and exercise. So, while I will still take all my prescribed meds, I am going to continue to educate myself and hone my diet even more to make myself as healthy as possible. Second, and really the most exciting for me is that I’m committed to writing this blog. I have been hounded, pestered bugged and bribed into writing it by so many friends and family that I decided this was going to be the year to do it. And since this is my first post for 2019 and it’s coming out in February you get the idea that not everything has to be carved in stone to start in January!
So, join with me. First, relax. Second, rethink those resolutions. And third, reorganize. It really is a good year to make our lives and our actions into a story worth telling!
What steps are you going to take to light your world up and create a life worth loving?