7.5″ x 7.5″ (SMALL / MINI) 2025 Calendar -by Suzy Toronto
Available ONLY on Suzy’s Website.
Please note: the paper of the 2025 small calendar is different from last years. It is now more in line with what has been produced in the past.
(Glitter enhancements for a $1.00 see options)
Wonderful Wacky Women just don’t have what it takes to sit back and be average. We did not sign up to be ordinary! We were born to be all in and manifest the light within us. This is the year for us to rise to our potential and choose to be over-the-top magnificent.
Months included are:
Choose to be Magnificent!
Stop calling it a dream… Start Making a Plan
Legends in Their Own Minds
Live Like Someone Left the Gate Open!
Eat Sunshine For Breakfast and You’ll Beam Radiantly All Day
You’re Always One Decision Away from a Totally Different Life
You Can’t Be both Pitiful & POWERFUL… The Choice Is Always Yours
Set Sail Towards Your Wildest Dreams
It Cost Nothing to Dream… & Everything Not To
Life Can Be Messy… But It Can Still Be Good
Never Underestimate the Power of Bad Cellular Service
If there’s anything half as much fun as living I want to know what it is