My husband, “The Left-Brained, Wild-Thing”, says everything important in the world can be broken down to three things. I got to thinking about that and although I don’t think this is what he meant… here is my interpretation.
Three things I love: (Not people…THINGS!):
- Chocolate, but only the dark expensive kind (hate cheap chocolate)
- The Beach. Any beach. I just love the ocean.
- Dancing the Hula. It is my life. I eat, love, sleep and breathe it. It’s hard to explain unless you too hula. For me, at least at this stage of my life, hula is my life.
Three things I seriously do not like:
- Paintings hung too high
- Windshield Wipers that don’t work.
- Bananas. Seriously the very thought makes me want to gag. I could be stranded on a deserted island with no food or water and only bananas to eat and I’d starve to death before eating it. If I could ever be on one of those reality game shows where they dare you to eat a caterpillar or some gross live bug, honey, pick me! I’d do it in a heart beat as long as it doesn’t look, smell or taste like banana.
Three things I’d want if in fact I was stranded on a deserted island:
- My iPod filled with my hula music with inexhaustible batteries.
- Endless supply that ice that is in little round snowy balls like they have at Sonic drive in.
- A library of good books. Not digital ones. I want real one. I love a real “Page Turner” and the older the books are, the more I love them. They just smell good to me.
Three things I miss most of all:
- My mama’s look when she was proud of me. Does anyone ever get over the loss of their Mama? Although I totally get it that life moves on, I miss having my own personal cheer leader always there to encourage me on like only a mother can. No one in this world ever “got me” quite like she did. The cool thing is that I look just like her and the older I get the more I look like her.
- The sound of my dog, Lucy, snoring. (Lucy crossed the rainbow bridge in 2018 and I miss hearing her snore every single night. For me, she was my white-noise-machine that made me feel that all was right in the world when the lights were off.)
- The smell of a newborn baby. Seriously, why has no one figured out how to make a scent like that??? Whether it’s just the smell or the pheromones or the combo of the two, it’s something as a “60-something” year old woman that I still miss.
What are some of your favorite things?
What sets your heart on fire?
What do you most miss in this world?
I found it both fun and interesting compiling this list. Give it a try for yourself. You might be surprised at your own answers and I was at mine.