You’re the Sprinkles on my Cupcake! – Note Cards
- $7.50
- 4” x 5.25” bagged note cards with eight blank cards & eight wild colored envelopes bagged.
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Life Is Short. Go for the Cupcakes! Besides, everyone knows a balanced diet is having a cupcakes in each hand – Magnet
- $4.99
- 2.5 " x 3.5 " Clear acrylic, backed with hefty 2.25" x 3.2.5" magnets will bring color, inspiration, and Wacky fun to your fridge or any metal surface!
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wish, hope, dream, create… then Eat a Bunch of Cupcakes! – Recipe Cards (pack of 18)
- $12.99
- Standard 4 x 6 cards to share your most cherished recipes with family & friends. With fun, witty, heartfelt titles, they are sure to add a tingle to your favorite recipe. (pack of 18)
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